Failing forward
Fakultät Gestaltung
Institut für experimentelles Bekleidungs- und Textildesign
Modedesign und Entwurf
Straße des 17. Juni 118
Etage: 1
Raum: R-105
BA Mode Entwurfsprojekt, 6. Semester / SoSe 2024 Die Ausstellung ist im Raum 110 zu finden. Teilnehmer*innen: Ina Bak, Dominik Bittmann, Maren Eisemann, Mallki Garrafa Schmalz, Justin Griffith, Camilla Hagenauer, Chloesue Hartill, Kieun Hong, Elea Jenner, Yeram Kim, Marina Kolushova, Achim Kwon, Melanie Schill, Arkadiusz Swieton, Maleka Wiedemann Lehrende: Gast Prof. Stephanie Penkov, Lilly Heine, Stefan Hipp, Dorothée Warning, Julia Kunz
BA Mode Entwurfsprojekt, 6. Semester / SoSe 2024 The exhibition takes place in room 110. Teilnehmer*innen: Ina Bak, Dominik Bittmann, Maren Eisemann, Mallki Garrafa Schmalz, Justin Griffith, Camilla Hagenauer, Chloesue Hartill, Kieun Hong, Elea Jenner, Yeram Kim, Marina Kolushova, Achim Kwon, Melanie Schill, Arkadiusz Swieton, Maleka Wiedemann Lehrende: Gast Prof. Stephanie Penkov, Lilly Heine, Stefan Hipp, Dorothée Warning, Julia Kunz

What’s wrong? ...what’s right? This project is the antithesis of the relentless pursuit of perfectionism. Instead of avoiding mistakes, it consciously allows the inclusion and experimental provocation of rule-breaking, risks, mistakes, missteps, and failures in the development process. These supposed shortcomings are observed, reflected upon, and analyzed to recognize and exploit their potential for promoting innovation. The project welcomes the imperfect, the unconventional, the flawed, the ugly, the uncomfortable, the unexpected and the surprising and celebrates their inherent value. The project kicks off with experimental studies inspired by historical examples of haute couture known for their dedication to excellence and meticulous craftsmanship, providing a contrast to the thematic focus. Building on these inspirations, it is about challenging perceived notions of perfection and turning things upside down and inside out to discover the potential for creative iteration, and – basically – to overcome your inner monsters in the process. Based on these influences, the project stands on three interconnected pillars: Experimentation, craftsmanship, and materiality.